Winning the Lipstick Game Over 50

Winning the Lipstick Game Over 50

Hey Beautiful! Hitting the 50 milestone? Or maybe you’ve been rocking it for a while now? Either way, you know all too well the battle of the lipstick bleed, also known as ‘feathering.’ It’s that super annoying thing where your lip color decides to go rogue and creep into fine lines instead of staying put. Let’s talk about how you can beat it and keep your pout on point.

First, a little secret from the pros: Lip liner is your BFF. Think of it as the superhero sidekick for your lipstick, keeping everything in bounds. Go for a liner that’s the same shade as your lipstick or a touch lighter, and you’ll have the villains of vanishing edges on the run.

Next, put a dab of concealer or foundation on your lips before applying lipstick. It’s like giving your lip color a cozy primer blanket to snuggle into, so it stays locked in all day (or night!).

And, don’t overlook a good lip brush. Dial down on the swiping straight from the tube; a brush gives you the finesse and control to cover every nook and cranny without going overboard.

Last but not oh-so-least, set your masterpiece with a dusting of translucent powder. But here’s the kicker – do it through a tissue. This little dab will do ya, locking in the color without making it look like you kissed a powdered donut.

So go on, apply those bold reds or those sultry mauves, and flash that gorgeous smile with confidence. Aging gracefully doesn’t mean ditching fun lip colors. It’s all about those tiny tweaks to your routine that let you and your lips shine!